How to add collaborators

Invite and collaborate with your team members in your Falu workspace

You can invite other team members to a workspace once you have successfully provisioned it. Team members can be invited as either administrators or members.

Invites to your Falu workspace are only valid for ten days, after which they expire.

You can invite collaborators to your account through the Team section under Settings in the dashboard.


Assign user roles

Each team member can be assigned one of two roles:

AdministratorThe user has access similar to the account owner. Therefore, they can change account settings and invite new users. They can also view, update, and delete records.
MemberThese are team members with no administrative rights. Thus, they can only view records but cannot modify them.

Transfer ownership of the workspace

You can also transfer ownership of the entire workspace to a team member, as long as you are the owner of that workspace. However, before the transfer can be initiated, the team member must belong to that workspace. Otherwise, the process will fail.
